Bank Exec Pleads Not Guilty to Stabbing Cabbie
Photo by Phillie Casablanca A high-level Morgan Stanley official pleaded not guilty earlier this month to theft assault and hate-crime charges, after being accused of stabbing his cab driver while...
View ArticleJustin Bieber May Face Charges for Assaulting Photographer
Canadian singer Justin Bieber performs at a German paper Bildzeitung 's headquarters in Berlin, Friday, June 8, 2012. (AP Photo/dapd/ Timur Emek) When Justin Bieber took a swing at a paparazzi...
View ArticleLiLo Charged in NYC and California Just Hours Apart
Lindsay Lohan attends the Mr. Pink Ginseng launch party at the Beverly Wilshire hotel on Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP) Troubled actress...
View ArticleSchoolyard Bullies Facing Criminal Charges
Stockbyte/Thinkstock What is the line between schoolyard bully and criminal? A Colorado teen is about to find out after police recommended assault charges for a 15-year-old who allegedly beat up a girl...
View ArticleWalmart Parking Lot Insanity Never Ends
Photo: Bobby P. Two men recently made Walmart into a dangerous place to be – way past Black Friday: One went deer hunting with a gun in a parking lot at a store in Pennsylvania, and another crashed his...
View Article‘Charlie Brown’ Voice Actor Pleads Guilty to Stalking Charge
Peter Robbins, once the voice of Charlie Brown, pleaded guilty to stalking earlier this month. The man who years ago gave Charlie Brown his voice in the iconic “Peanuts” cartoons pleaded guilty to...
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